Želva is a company for training and employment of people with disabilities, founded by Sožitje - the Association of Associations for Assistance to Persons with Mental Disabilities of Slovenia in 1991 on the proposal of the Employment Service of the Republic of Slovenia. Its primary mission is to train and employ people with disabilities (mainly intellectual disabilities) and other people who are less employable, and to find new and new employment opportunities for them. The Želva Community is for everyone who is a service user and their mentors, who works at Želva. The aim of the programme is to offer the individuals involved a suitable form of employment, where the hours and pace of work are adapted to their health and mental condition, and enable them to maintain or increase their adaptive capacity. Within the company Želva d.o.o. works on a Social inclusion programe, which is intended for invalids who have working reduced abilities and they couldn’t qualify for work, and have a declaration of unemployment. In this programe, we offer adjusted time and speed of work for each person. The goals of this program are: preserving abilities, caring for yourself, satisfying basic social and emotional needs, preserving working power, self-affirmation, and integration into a narrower and wider environment. Namen programa je nuditi vključenim posameznikom primerno obliko zaposlitve, kjer sta delovni čas in tempo dela prilagojena njihovi zdravstveni in psihični kondiciji, ter jim omogoča ohranjanje oz. povečanje prilagoditvenih sposobnosti.

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